If a psk is specified on a peer, it puts the psk in the keepalive field
Create a peer.
Add keepalive value of 60 seconds.
Add a psk (Pre-shared key).
Hit save.
Peer will not function. Going back into the peer's settings I can see that the psk value has overwritten the keepalive value. In on other words the psk entered in the "Pre-shared key" field is duplicated now and also showing in the "Keepalive" field.
Edit: I can see this is not just a cosmetic issue, the log indeed shows the psk is being sent as the keepalive value:
/vpn_wg_edit.php: The command '/usr/local/bin/wg setconf 'wg0' '/etc/wg/wg0.conf'' returned exit code '1', the output was 'Persistent keepalive interval is neither 0/off nor 1-65535: `xxxxx3MKsP41123454UKiSwDyyyyyyFON309bTzzzzz=' Configuration parsing error'
Could be vpn_wg_edit.php line 450
$('#persistentkeepalive').val(tabletext(peernum, 7));
should be
$('#persistentkeepalive').val(tabletext(peernum, 5));
@serbus Looks like you may be on to something.
FWIW I updated to 2.5.0.a.20210121.2350 and the bug still exists.