Credit Union Android Mobile App Blocked
Hi Guys,
pfBlockerNG has been trucking along without issue until a recent update from my credit union's android application. I don't have Apple devices so I don't know if they have the same issue. The app works on cell network and when I disable pfBlockerNG. I have been doing this troubleshooting on my tablet because it has the least amount of apps on it so I get less random background requests for things that get blocked.
When I go to the Reports->Alerts and filter by the IP address of the device the only thing I see DNSBL Block has is:
I thought it was odd that a credit union Android application needs those domains but for troubleshooting purposes I unblocked them and the application still fails to connect. Something is getting blocked and I don't know enough to find out what it is or something else is going on but any assistance would get my wife off my back.
I should also add that notifications from the app come through but logins fail to connect when you go to open the application.