HAProxy: 2 Front-End Pointing to same IP?
I am trying to use HAProxy to send traffic (One external IP) to 2 different internal IPs. Both are in the same DMZ. -> staging.mydomain.com ->Development webserver -> nextcloud.mydomain.com -> Nextcloud (haven't set up LetsEncrypt Yet)I have created a Shared Frontend and 2 sub-front ends (one for each domain). Each domain has its own backend.
The ACLs are: contains "staging.mydomain.com" and contains "nextcloud.mydomain.com" respectively.
The problem is that when I added the "Nextcloud" sub-front, traffic from either domain is sent to that IP.
So staging.mydomain.com should go to, and nextcloud.mydomain.com should go to, however both domains are going to
Besides defining ACL's have you used those acls behind use-backend 'actions'.?