HAProxy: mapping and redirection
Good morning all, Hope I am in the right place and hope to find help with my problem.
This is my situation. I have a domain name in local.dom and publish a website and intranet through an Apache server at http://www.local.dom and https://intranet.local.dom. Other sites are also available on this same server but I will tell you about them below. I also have an IIS web server to publish a few applications and an Exchange 2010 mail server. I would like to publish everything using HAproxy installed on Pfsense.
I have declared the servers (Apache, IIS and Exchange) in the backend. On the frontend I manage to publish the website www.local.dom (HTTP / HTTPS), intranet.local.dom (HTTPS) and webmail (HTTPS) to the address mail.local.dom.
Here's what I can't do:- publish the applications that are on the IIS server in the form https://www.local.dom/appli1 or https://intranet.local.dom/appli2
- publish the other sites in the form http://www.local.dom/site1, http://www.local.dom/site2 ,….
- publish applications from other servers that use ports 8085, 8187,… locally like this http://www.local.dom/appliserv1, http://www.local.dom/appliserv2,….
I tried everything I could think of, except the right solution, you have to believe, and never got it.
I have looked at forums and tested a lot of "http request", "PATH", "if", ... I will not list them all. When I think I have found it, the result is not what I expected.
Do you have an idea or what can you advise me please?