Ftp helper on opt1
I've got 1.2 stable running and load balancing outbound via WAN and OPT1. I've got the ftp helper running on both WAN and OPT1 and I have ftp working on WAN in passive mode. OPT1 however acts as if it has nothing setup on it. Trying to FTP to OPT1 IP just times out. No firewall logs are generated on pfsense stating that anything has been denied.
Disabling the ftp helper on OPT1 then allows me to forward ports 20-21 and the ftp client will then connect and authenticate but will fail (in both active and passive modes) when requesting the list of files/folders.
I've verified that I can NAT on OPT1 by passing port 80 and that works like a dream.
Any help would be much appreciated.