Is Dynamic DNS broken?
This seems to have been a problem for a while in that I've seen it in pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090413-1635.tgz and pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090616-0459.tgz which I'm running now.
From the web GUI I select Services -> Dynamic DNS both options (Dynamic DNS client and RFC 2136 Dynamic DNS Updates) are completely greyed out.
The note at the bottom of the page says:
You must configure a DNS server in System: General setup or allow the DNS server list to be overridden by DHCP/PPP on WAN for dynamic DNS updates to work.
In System -> General setup I have specified TWO DNS servers so it would seem I have met the specified conditions. Do I also need to be running PPP on the WAN link? (I'm not running PPP on the WAN link because there is a router between the pfSense box and the internet. The upstream router does not have support for the dynamic DNS service I'm using: dnsomatic.)
See this thread:,14896.msg78637.html#msg78637
I had a similar problem with a snapshot back in March…
Gloomrider, thanks for the reply. However I think my issue is different from the one you reported in that I don't have anything like the segment you reported in my config.xml file.
How did you enable dyndns? By editing config.xml? From the web GUI? I'm not able to type in anything at all on the Services - Dynamic DNS page. Is the enable on another page?
I was never able to enable the service in the GUI. Reverting back to an older snapshot worked. I tried the new snaps as they were released. Due to lack of any feedback, I have no idea if there was actually a fix for this problem or if it just mysteriously fixed itself. ???