BGP stops working after upgrade to 2.5
After upgrading from 2.4.5p1 to 2.5 BGP stopped working. First I assumed it was because of my IPsec VTI tunnel, however when i manually add the routes they just work and when I ping the endpoint of the tunnel they just reply, both IPv4 and IPv6 work.
Even tried using a WireGuard tunnel however this doesn't work either. I'm able to ping the end point route traffic through the tunnel but BGP just doesn't work.
Same problem here. BGP neighbors come online, but no routes are exchanged, zebra routing table does not get updated. Same problem on neighbors, no routes present from the pfsense device.
This fixes it at reply from jimp. That doesn't require editing the raw config.
The default changed to not accept or distribute routes to a neighboer without a policy in place. This would only affect those who don't already use a route map on their neighbors, so for most the main change will be adding an "Allow-All" route map and then setting that as the route map filter on each neighbor.
Under FRR, go to Global Settings, Route Maps, add a new one that just has:
Name: Allow-All Action: Permit Sequence: 100 (or whatever)
Then under BGP, edit each neighbor and set it as both entries (inbound and outbound) for Route Map Filter under Peer Filtering.
It's a more secure default, but it may catch some by surprise.
That can be added before upgrade, too, which would prevent this from ever being a problem.
We also ran into this issue:
First we deleted /tmp/config.cache
This resulted in a very long boot up time (at starting apcupsd package).
But it finally came up. we had the issue with no "route map filter" configured on one path.
This was resolved by configuring the "Allow-all" filter like suggested.