Traffic Graph Incorrect Numbers
I have 2 sites connected via OpenVPN. One site tunnels its internet traffic through the other to avoid building admin's invasive IPS/whatever.
This happens with virtual pfsense 2.5.0 and physical 2.4.4.
I'm simulating a symmetric 1mbit/s dummy load between sites with iperf3. The traffic graph itself appears to be correct, but the numbers to the right are sporadic and incorrect. Sometimes they don't show, and when they do show they are either very low or very high. They usually show either nothing or any number between 20kbit/s and 6mbit/s during this simulation.
Another question: any idea why there are dips? I'm seeing them in iperf3 as well.
I ran a few ookla speedtests, again, graph looks fine but numbers are nonsense. I have a 50mbit/s speed limiter on both pfsense boxes.
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