PFblockerng no internet
HI I set up pfsense, added pfblockerng and set it up. fsense is just a firewall, I have no dhcp enabled and at the moment I only have one PC connected to the LAN while I set it up and test things.
The settings :
Enable pfBLockerNG - checked
Keep settings
Download failure No limit
Logfile size 20000
Inbound firewall Rules - WAN (block)
Outbound firewall Rules - LAN (reject)
Rule order: pfB_Block/Reject All other rules
Auto rule suffix - auto rule
Kill states - checkedDNBSL and IPv4 feeds I researched and found what I believe to be good feeds here: works great for about 3 hours then I can't even access the pfsense interface. The only way I can get back in to the pfsense interface is to reset to factory defaults, log in and reinstall the pfsense/pfblockerng backup I made. It the works great for about 3 hours then nothing again.
If anyone has run in to this or has any idea where I can start to locate the issue its greatly appreciated.
@wizardofwhere I would get pfSense running good first before adding packages while you read up on what you want to accomplish as it sounds like you're somehow locking yourself out every 3hrs.