Firewall and squid
please i want to block ftp in my network but the problème i have squid listen in 3128, i'm explain the user browser is configure to listen on port 3128 =>>>>> all traffic are going in this port but in my rule i have just port ftp are 21/20.
my english not good excuse me.
Are want block port 21 from LAN access to outside world?
yas i want bolck FTP can use 3128 in my proxy but not 21/20
Delete the allow all rule.
Per default pfSense blocks everything. -
where i delete all rule in wan or Lan
The rules are always on the interface on which traffic comes in.
–> Traffic comming in on the LAN interface --> LAN tab.
--> Traffic comming in on the WAN interface --> WAN tab. -
when i put ftp 20 rule it doesn't block any thing, because all traffic are going in port proxy (3128),
Correct. You then need to change Squid's configuration to not allow connections to FTP servers - look in the Packages forum for details on changing the ports squid will allow you to connect to.
you are right Cry Havok i'am looking in squid configuration file squif.conf and i am delete port 21 !!! that's work but i have one problème when i roboot my pfsense the file configuration squid.conf returne ftp port. do you have any idea
Try the search function ;) This has been discussed many times and details can be found in the forum (hint, look for