Bypass MITM for specific domains
Looking in a different direction, I read as it mentions the 409 status error. The site is now working. Hopefully this is a fix. Otherwise I will have to continue looking for a solution. If anyone has any insight that would be awesome!
Original post
I have a PFSense that I use for filtering WiFi for kids, this has been fine 99% of the time but I have encountered an issue with unfiltering "" It seems the site itself is accessible, but their resources (styles, images etc) are hosted by Squarespace.
TL;DR, Can I add a domain to an allowlist that will bypass the MITM in spliceall mode?
Long version:
I have SSL filtering enabled, it is in 'Splice all' mode. I can't realistically install the CA cert on the devices that connect to this network.
It seems that squarespace's servers are inaccessible when MITM is active. In the log, I can see HTTP status 409. Turning off MITM makes the site work without issue.
Looking in squidguard, I cannot see anything being blocked. I have added squarespace to the Common ACL just incase, no change.
The example I have been testing (The Everyone's invited logo), should redirect to with MITM enabled, I just get an SSL protocol error and no redirect.
Is there a way to exclude squarespace from MITM?
Have I misunderstood how splice all vs splice whitelist bump otherwise works? With that mode enabled you need the CA installed?