External Auth Page
I am trying to figure out a way to host the captive portal page externally so I only have to purchase 1 SSL Certificate. We have a portal that we have built in house and it has its own auth setup and clients are very familar with it. What I would like to do is have the pfsense captive portal force the user to authenticate via the external page and then that page submits a common username / password like guest / guest to the pfsense box (which I would setup the user locally) to authenticate.
PFSENSE -> Redirects External Page -> User types in Password -> External Page (submits in the background a username and password configured on the pfsense box to authenicate) -> Captive Portal settings take place from there.
Is this possible?
We do use other equipment currently and we basically submit a POST to (it has built in to reconize) and the router grabs that auths the data.
If I am not clear enough please let me know.