HAproxy on pfSense 21.02.2-RELEASE failover not working for some hosts
So I used to use relayd, which worked flawlessly, but now I'm trying to set up HAproxy to do the same job, which is to redirect users to a different web server when the main one fails for some reason.
I set up two different configurations, one of which seems to work as expected. The other one however never will fail over to the backup server in any case. They seem to be set up identically. I have set up a few more after that, and most of them work as expected, but some others have the same problem. I have tried various changes, using http OPTION vs HEAD, or using httpclose vs http-keep-alive.
I'm attaching some obfuscated config from the backup file with the two configurations. WebsiteA configuration doesn't work, WebsiteB does.
Any help is appreciated.