HAProxy HTTPS URL redirection
Hello fellow pfSense users!
I am attempting to use HAProxy for URL shortening of sorts. All I want to do is redirect to a specific server hostname when I type in request another. Ex: https://pve.in.ln -- redirection --> https://proxmox.ext.domain.com
The server is on my local network.
I seem to be misunderstanding how traffic flows through HAProxy. I thought that once the HTTPS traffic is decrypted on the frontend, I should be able to read the hostname header and route to the respective backends accordingly based on ACLs. That holds true for the most part for one host but not the other. I think. Sometimes it seems to be working and then after a few hours it stops working. That might be a separate issue, though.
I have an internal cert and CA for the internal domains (pve.in.ln) and LetsEncrypt certs for the domain being redirected to (proxmox.ext.domain.com).
Also, I have my configuration file if you need it but, it is pretty safe to say it is wrong and I'd like to just start over at this point anyway. I would greatly appreciate any advice or assistance. Thanks in advance!