Lots of Error: Forbidden errors lately
Tonight I was getting 502 Bad Getway nginx errors and forum disconnect errors constantly plus 'socket.client.writeToEngine is not a function'.
I can't edit my posts either.
Was seeing the 502 this morning - seems to be back now.
Looks like they updated the forum software - threads look different.
these response lines are new
@johnpoz If it isn't one thing, it's another.
Yeah - seems there is now a more button for listing out categories as well.. Not sure what else has changed/new?
I would assume the errors/issues were related to the update.. But I don't recall seeing any news or info about an update..
@johnpoz I don't see any buttons on the Categories page.
Go into the parent pfsense software section
@johnpoz Ah ok. I'm never in that view.
@johnpoz Netgate posted on Twitter that the forums were being updated with possible interruptions. https://twitter.com/NetgateUSA/status/1397190821808594952?s=19
Ah - ok so there was notification. Thats good.
@johnpoz indeed. Though it sucks when you get the errors, rush to see if anyone is reporting problems, and then discover that you missed a tweet while sleeping.