Pfblocker COMPLETELY reset after latest upgrade to 2.5.2
I had spent numeraous amount of time fixing my DNS resolver hanging due to some Pfblocker bug...
I had to switch Pfblocker to unbound python mode and was finally successful. No more hangs and I could begin with work.After the latest upgrade my entire Pfblocker had been reset.... so clue why. Has this BS happened with anyone else?
@eui Did you select die config option of pfBlocker, that it should keep the settings after an update/upgrade?
Without it that's completely normal behavior for every package as a pfSense update triggers a reinstall of all packages and reinstall triggers an deinstallation first.
@jegr yes Ive had that checked. been running Pfblocker for the past 3 upgrades on the same pf instance.
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