SquidGuard Whitelist overrides pfBlockerNG
Hello, this may well be desired behaviour however I figured I should check to make sure it's not unexpected behaviour as it seems pretty sus.
I have the pfB_DoH_IPv4 auto block rules created by pfBlockerNG.
As a part of that, Cloudflare's is quite rightly being blocked ordinarily. However, when I was testing whitelisting domains that I can access via IP address in SquidGuard, I was using for my tests. I added in the SquidGuard whitelist and I was able to access it through Squid even tho the pfB_DoH_IPv4 should have blocked it !!!(It only occured to me later when I saw some pings/ICMP had been blocked to by pfBlockerNG (pfB_DoH_IPv4 ), I realised hang on the HTTPS should have been blocked also!)
Is it normal for Squid whitelist to override the firewall rules? I should thing that surely whitelisting something is SquidGuard isn't a ticket to ignore firewall rules??????
Anyone? No one? pfSense is allowing stuff to bypass the firewall if it's whitelisted in SquidGuard and no one is alarmed about that?