Inbound request w/ OpenVPN is not reaching destination
I have an internal Ubuntu server configured to accept SSH connections.
In pfSense (2.5.1), I am rejecting connections on my SSH port, unless it comes from my employers IP range. I know this is not recommended, but it was my work-around to not having me connect to my home network using OpenVPN, which I can't do while connected to employers VPN.
What I am noticing is that if I have pfSense connected as an OpenVPN client, that my SSH requests are not going through. If I disconnect the OpenVPN client on pfSense, then my SSH requests are allowed.
Any thoughts on how I messed up the rule?
@ryanm Post your firewall rules on each tab.
Most likely traffic is being matched on the wrong interface due to conflicting rules.
@marvosa This is causing me issues again. I am going to grab screenshots and post them when I get home. I am remote this week and can't get in via VPN or SSH.