Unable to save changes on Captive Portal config page
Pfsense Version 2.5.2. When attempting to change anything at all on the Captive Portal configuration page I get this error after clicking save: "The following input errors were detected:
โข Blocked MAC address redirect URL contents must be a valid URL".
I don't block MAC addresses. I have tried blocking one and/or putting a variety of URLs and IP addresses in the "Blocked MAC address redirect URL" box. Nothing will allow me to save a change on that page. Should I just revert to an earlier version? Has anyone else had this problem.?
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Looks like there is a typo in a variable check -- what that error message is testing is the After authentication Redirection URL value, not the blocked MAC redirect URL.
If you fix the After authentication Redirection URL it should go past that check.
EDIT: I opened a Redmine issue to fix the validation: https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/12388
Thanks. I used Captive Portal file manager to upload a file named SH.html.
After uploading it file manager shows it as captiveportal-SH.html. I then put captiveportal-SH.html in the After authentication Redirection URL box and click save. At that point I am still getting the error. In past 2.3 and 2.4 versions this worked. Do I need to have an IP address or Pfsense domain as part of the file name instead of only the file name? -
Further info. I just took out the file name in the redirect URL box and I was able to save. The problem must be with using the file name instead of an address. -
@trombone more info.
It let me put google.com in the box and save. I just need to know how to address the file name. -
Pfsense lets me save but it does not retain the page I enter for portal page contents. This happens even if I save it with a blank redirect URL box. It appears to be saving as there is no longer an error but the portal page disappears. -
The redirect must be a URL, not just a filename.
As for the custom pages that would be a different issue than you're hitting here initially and should probably have its own thread with more details about exactly what you're entering and what other options are chosen.
@jimp Thank you.
Do you know the way to address the file that is in the Captive portal file manager?
Edit just the file name worked in the 2.3 and 2.4 versions so I guess something has changed. -
Files uploaded in the filemanager get prefixed with
so you have to add that before their names when making references.And the URL validation is new. There were security issues with allowing things that were not full URLs to be entered in the box.
The captiveportal- prefix is there.
In Captive portal file manager is named captiveportal-SH.html
The file uploaded was SH.html and the upload process renames it to captiveportal-SH.html
That is the name typed in the redirect URL box that causes the error. The name includes the captiveportal- prefix
The full name in the redirect box is "captiveportal-SH.html".
Is that all that should be required?
Edit: Should it be