2.5.2-RELEASE RRD-Summery
Don't know then, sorry. Often mine will simply stop logging; not only stopping the data but the date as well. I've asked before, and others seemed to think it was because the time got munged. In NTP Status do you see time servers listed as below? I've found that I need to manually bounce NTP every time I reboot. NTP logs says it can't resolve the pool. I think it's because pfBlocker doesn't start Unbound until after NTP has started and can't resolve NTP servers. Dunno. -
@provels NTP is fine but I dont seem to find settings option even in official docs
but on my install nothing is there except above with ? help. -
What page do you see that on? I've never seen. -
There is no config for this package - other than the interface, units, year, day of month that you show in your first image.
I don't recall ever seeing such a item either about clicking little wrench icon?
I think I'd back up my config and start over; reinstall and restore.
At least reinstall RRD Summary and see if that shakes it loose.
He is pulling that screenshot from the docs
But that has to do with the monitoring graphs
To toggle the graph settings.. That is not related to the RDD summary package.
@johnpoz yes correct i pulled it from docs I don’t seem to find any settings option for rrd summary on my install.
i Removed and reinstalled the package as well am i missing something?
@swips again - there is no settings other than what your seeing where you can select the interface, units, year, date of when months cycle.. That is it - it can take a while for data to first show up.
But if your saying you have been up for like 5 days.. Then yeah something is not right - I have added that package to my 2.5.2 test vm box to see if doesn't show up..
But what I can tell you is the package works on 21.05.1 this is my main box..
And I have data going back to 2017 on that, restore of data on clean installs even.
@johnpoz so where should I start looking to start date get populated?
@swips off the top of my head, not sure have never had an issue with this package not working.. if your saying your date and time is correct.. It should start populating - but since I just installed the package on my 2.5.2 - and I currently am not seeing any data.. But I would give it atleast 1 day.. Let me check on it again tomorrow and if not seeing any data on mine - then I have duplicated your problem and can look into what might be causing the issue a bit easier on my box, etc.
Ok I left my test 2.5.2 box running.. Had some pings going to its lan to make sure there was data for it to record.. And the data has showed up after a day or so..
Nothing to "configure" other than installing the package.
if your not seeing data after 5 days - yeah something is wrong. Is pfsense on the full time is it something you turn on and off while your playing/using/testing it?
@johnpoz its on live with squid running.