No ip address through dhcp on wlan
Even though it's bridged, firewall rules still apply. You need to add rules to allow traffic, including DHCP, to reach the LAN.
See,17484.0.html among many other similar threads.
Yes, it's important to set the roules als in bridged mode. start with an "all open" roule.
As you can read in other threads I also found out, that after a reboot again problems can occure with the WLAN. For example: No Internet Access, no VPN access. All acces out of the LAN port are cut. So I tried a bit and found out, that after a reboot I must "reset" the LAN port. That means I choose "Interface/LAN" and change nothing, press "Save" and in the next screen "Apply changes".
After that all services are availlable also from the WLAN port until the next reboot.
As you can read in other threads I also found out, that after a reboot again problems can occure with the WLAN. For example: No Internet Access, no VPN access. All acces out of the LAN port are cut. So I tried a bit and found out, that after a reboot I must "reset" the LAN port. That means I choose "Interface/LAN" and change nothing, press "Save" and in the next screen "Apply changes".
I've been running pfsense for more than 16 months and done a number of upgrades and reboots and I can't recall ever having to do this. Its possible which you have seen is specific to a particular pfSense version or particular NIC or …
You think this is a new issue? I know pfsense not for this long time. Only since a few weeks. SO the versions I have while this time makes the same problem. I also think the release of 1.2.2 does this. I don't make intesive tests with this version, because I use pdsense here for me ion a private environnement not for professional use at the moment. I test it and maybe we use it also for te company if the tests are ok. But at the moment, the WLAN problem is too much for professional use.
Even though it's bridged, firewall rules still apply. You need to add rules to allow traffic, including DHCP, to reach the LAN.
See,17484.0.html among many other similar threads.
first thanks for your reply.
but adding rules for the ports described in the linked topic neither adding an any-any rule on wifi interface would solve the problem.
i also noticed, that if i set wifi in unbridged mode with dhcp server enabled on it, i also won't get an dhcp config on my wifi i will have a try with 1.2.2 stable
If you use WLAN in "unbridged" configuration you'll find a seperate Tab in the DHCP menue for define the DHCP settings for this subnet.
In bridged mode try this: boot your pfsense, go to the Intrface7LAN tab and press "save" and then "apply changes" without changing any settings. try to connect by WLAN.
I had also problems with WLAN, I also have it with 1.2.2 stable. So try it out. There's a driver which will be initialiced to early at bootup. So I try now myselfe to find a way to restart the LAN interface after boot automatically. If I have a solution, I'll post it. At the moment there are no more snapshots availlable. There seems to be a server problem. But I have to finde a solution to this problem. It's the only problem I have at the moment with pfsense. It works very well.
If you use WLAN in "unbridged" configuration you'll find a seperate Tab in the DHCP menue for define the DHCP settings for this subnet.
this is clear and i made the relevant settings.
In bridged mode try this: boot your pfsense, go to the Intrface7LAN tab and press "save" and then "apply changes" without changing any settings. try to connect by WLAN.
i tried this without any changes to my wifi client.
reboot pfesense -> interfaces/lan -> <save>-> <apply>=> no dhcp lease on wifi client :(</apply></save> -
Now, i also tried it on 1.2.2 stable embedded.
There i also don't get an DHCP config on my wifi client. -
Do you have wireless connectivity?
Is the DHCP request recorded in the DHCP log (Web GUI: Status -> System logs, click on the DHCP tab)?
Is the DHCP request blocked by the firewall (Web GUI: Status -> System logs, click on the Firewall tab)?
What are the firewall rules you added to allow the DHCP requests from the bridged WLAN interface?
Yes, there is wireless connectivity. (I tried it with windows wifi client and also with Intel ProSet Wirelss client.)
there are no log entries neither in FIREWALL tab nor in DHCP tab.
First i added firewall rules as described in this topic:,17484.0.html
But i also tried it with a WIFI any-any rule.
now i tried an external wlan usb stick(AVM Fritz) instead of my notebook internal wifi card.
with the usb wlan stick i get an DHCP configuration.
so it seems the problem depends on the used wifi adapter in the client.