Reputation tab gone missing
On a CARP Cluster with two nodes, both running up2date stable versions of CE 2.5.2 AND pfBlockerNG-devel latest version 3.1.0, only one systems shows the reputation tab for configuration. The second one is missing the tab. I already uninstalled, reinstalled and re-reinstalled the pfBNG package, but even a complete uninstall and reinstall seems to fix the problem. What happened there?
primary system:
secondary system:
Also: goint to the appropriate URL throws a 404 error with NGINX, so the file seems to missing completely. Where did that come from?
Any ideas?
\jens -
Read pfBlockerNG IP Reputation
It has a good ending.The 'Reputation' tab is not available by default.
"Things" need to happen so it can be presented.
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