22.01 Development Bugs
Hello Netgate Development Community can you please help?
Todays upgrade had some small issues seen below
Experimental version 22.01
States under ACLS for evaluation Traffic no longer seen with update.
Once update completed no states or traffic can be seen all in the access control lists. They all show 0/0 however traffic is going through them on logs area. I have factory defaulted the box and restored config all same result this area no longer shows states or evaluations with this experimental version.
I also can not see Snorts latest version released today also. Packages that have new versions are not seen. Snort 4.1.5 is available on stable releases under package management.
The request failed also. I removed Snort and Squid same result for the traffic evaluations tracking
@jonathanlee When Amazons AWS data center went down this system stopped working with DNS also failed to function and fail over to as backup. Or this is using AWS cloud and remote management. This is a privately owned firewall however when the AWS was down this last week this full firewall would not work at all until the AWS system was restored.
Thanks to who ever is checking on this.
The identification for the firewall rules show up in the logs so the firewall is working just not the state details in the access control lists.