Squid transparent proxy freezes Netflix streams after a few minutes
See also the old topic:
Re: Problems with Netflix freezing at 25%
Exclude nflxvideo.net from being proxied, by using "Bypass Proxy for These Destination IPs" in the "general" tab of the Squid package.
If you check the live view, you'll see that the streams are being loaded from nflxvideo.net, not from netflix.com.
After excluding nflxvideo.net, f.e. using an alias name with other stuff to be excluded, Netflix streams will continue working like a charm.
Even in my setup, I'm still using Squid (with ClamAV) as a transparent proxy and doing SSL inspection.
In these days, when most of us tend to throw away Squid (and definately DPI-SSL), I tend to see proxying and DPI-SSL'ing still as an additional security layer, besides Snort and PNBlockerNG.
Just spend some time in really deepdiving if something fails, watch the logs and liveviews.So to conclude, continue working with Squid, SSL decryption and watch Netflix by excluding nflxvideo.net. Something about Squid it preventing Netflix to load its buffers after a few minutes. Don't know why yet, I'm pretty sure the root cause can be fixed. Did not spent the time to deep further, just exclude it from being proxied.