pfBlockerNG and OpenDNS for a specific interface
Dear all,
I recently stept into the world op pfsense using a netgate 6100. I have a network interface for the kids network and for this network segment I would like to use OpenDNS to filtering the categories. But as I found out when adding the dsn servers of OpenDNS in the DHCP settings, pfBlocker is bypassed and is not used.
Is there away to get this working?
@boot77 I haven't tried this myself but hopefully it will get you going in the right direction (if it works!). If it does work, then ALL of your DNS requests should be filtered by pfblocker and what is not rejected will be sent to OpenDNS to be resolved. The issue there being that this might be too restrictive for your other networks besides the one for your kids. On the other hand, I'm not familiar with OpenDNS's services and there may be a way to further configure their services into different filtering profiles.
In Services/DNS/Resolver/General Settings select the option for DNS Query Forwarding
And then in System/General settings add the OpenDNS server IP's.
thanks for the suggestion. With openDNS I cannot make filters for specific internal network segments. The OpenDNS category restrictions will block some categories the grown ups need to access.