Issues with one port for usage 3128?
Hello I noticed that when my wife and kid are home and the Xbox one, Raspberry pi, Windows 10, Apple smartphones, Android, Imac, and airport extreme, are all accessing the proxy it seems to stop letting http traffic run for Windows updates as soon as everyone is left and I am working at home alone the system works. Does more than one port need to be open on the squid system outside of 3128-3129? I feel as thoe it pauses the use for port 3128 and marks it already in use.
How do you use a dynamic range of ports for multiple device usage?
Is this needed?
@jonathanlee keep in mind everything else works just not http://windows updates that are seen going in the live proxy status.
have you ever worked with bind or reverse shells sometimes they say the port is already in use.
Similar to this how can I set up squid to do a port load balance for http traffic.
All https works.