Shallalist and UT1 Failing Downloads
Been digging on this one for a bit, found a few other posts, but nothing has worked yet.
I manage a good number of firewalls and it would seem that on some the Shallalist won't download (or moreso won't unpack) and the UT1 won't download on others.
On unit A, for example, it has downloaded all the UT1 stuff without issues, blocks are working, etc.... But Shallalist just won't download during forced updates, simply says "Shallalist...Failed" with no more information. I can see the Shallalist .gz format file, everything seems to be fine with it, but the directory isn't being created.
But on unit B, Shallalist downloads but won't create the folder in var/db/pfblockerng so each feed fails, and UT1 just fails like Shallalist does on unit A.
Any ideas here? Any chance PFB is blocking itself from downloading these? (haven't seen anything indicating so in the alerts)
I should have noted that both firewalls are on PFSense + version 21.05.2 and pfB-devel versions are 3.1.0 and 3.1.0_1.
Another note, the Shallalist.gz file being downloaded is .04KB, seems very small to me, so maybe it's not grabbing the right list?
Oh wait, maybe I am just stupid, did Shallalist shutdown?
Their website (which I can't link, marked it as spam)
Takes me to a page saying they have closed their services.
And after some googling, yeah looks like they have. Well that makes a lot more sense.
Shallalist shutdown it's services few days ago. You won't be able to download it anymore.
@dma_pf Yes, just realized this (commented at the same time as you). Real sad, hopefully they can start up again somewhere at some point.
Appreciate the info here.
Still having some issues with UT1 but since it's working on one firewall and not the other I'm guessing it's a config thing of some sort.