How to access a LAN behind WireGuard using domain names?
((I also asked this Q on Reddit!))
I have a working WireGuard system set up on an RPi4 with two remote "clients". From a client, say my phone, I can access a device on my LAN via the WG tunnel. Great!However, I can only do so by entering the device IP, not its domain name. Not great. (Peculiarity: I can use the domain name if I Ping the device, but not when using a browser!)
I have the usual iptables set up to forward. I also have dnsmasq set up on the RPi to provide a DNS for the LAN via eth1. This all seems to work ok. (I use a static IP for the LAN device.)
Since everything works except using the domain name, I would guess (hope) I'm just missing something at the overall level and not some network details. Possible? Any ideas will be appreciated. (I have not burdened you with details, but they can certainly be provided as needed!) Thanks!
@padraic71 What does all this have to do with pfSense?
@kom Hmm. There were all these Q's about Wireguard, so I thought it appropriate. If not, my apologies...
@padraic71 Yes, Wireguard running on pfSense. This is a pfSense support forum. We can't help you with Wireguard problems on your Raspberry Pi.