pfblockerNG blocking IP's but nothing showing up in alerts for some LAN hosts
pfblockerNG seems to be working as intended and blocking IPV4 adresses, but for some reasons, the alerts are not showing up in the Reports.
A good example is which is blocked by a custom list from Seeing that I could not access it, I suspected that pfblockerNG or DNSBL were blocking it, but examining pfblockerNG's Reports showed nothing. I had to look in pfsense's firewall logs to see that it was indeed pfblockerNG blocking it.
So the pfblockerNG alerts seems to be dead.
Additionally, the last alerts dates back from Feb 15, which is exactly when I updated pfsense to 2.6.0. So I conclude that these issues started right after the system update.
DNSBL alerts log seems to be fine.
How do I make this work again?
Yes, I came by here the other day with the same issue, and found the fix in this here:
Thanks for pointing this out! The referenced thread should probably be pinned on the forum for quicker reference...
See here for a patch: