Ad blocking
I am trying to achieve several goals using pfB the first of which is to block as many ads as possible without it consuming all of my time to manage and maintain it.
I was told that pfB would be a good all round tool to achieve this as well as other tasks on my to do list but can not find specific info on how to do it, any documents I come across seem, well, less than clear.
Can anyone point me to a comprehensive yet easy to follow (doesnt put one to sleep) guide on how to manage ads within pfB? I see Amazon and BN have books on pfSense and some have sections with pfB but since they are not on a shelf where I can review before purchasing wondered if they might be a good resource.
I see people mention squid as being the go to for this sort of thing but seems to require each device to be configured rather than centrally applying the filtering at the source aka. pfsense box.
Thanks in advance for your input.
PS..sorry if this is a duplicate question, I tried the search with no luck on specific question, might have been user error.
@lpd7 How about using the piles of videos on YouTube?
Here's some quick ones: guy has a 5-part series on pfblocker:'m sorry, I don't use pfblocker, so I can't vouch for how good the info in these really is. Seems to be legit, from the positive comments.
@akuma1x Thanks I will look these up. I like videos compared to text due to my learning style but the drawback is that there is the potential for wasted time due to older versions, superficial info or just plain lousy content which is why referrals is a good way to filter out the noise. Thanks again.