Bridging ports not working?
First of all, I know this isn't good practice, and it is most definitely a temporary solution for the next 2 months, after that I will setup a managed L3 switch, but for now I really need to get this to work.
So I have a VMWare ESXi server, and use a pfSense VM as my firwall, however, I want to use all the ports on my server to connect my NAS and 2 other servers to this main ESXi host through pfSense so that all clients can reach each other.
So I setup pfSense, and I have 3 interfaces right now: WAN, LAN (connected to the VM LAN), OPT2 (connected to one physical port).
- LAN+OPT2 are in a BRIDGE0 interface
- I created a BridgeGroup, and LAN+OPT2+BRIDGE0 are part of it
- Created a firewall rule on the BridgeGroup to allow any protocol from any source to any destination to PASS.
However, when I assign a static IPv4 address to the BRIDGE0 interface (and remove the static IPv4 from LAN), I cannot reach the pfSense VM (or any other client on the network).
When I put a static IPv4 on the LAN (and remove it from BRIDGE0), I can reach all the VMs (except for the physical machine on the physical port (but I guess this is expected behaviour in this case?)).What am I doing wrong?
Can't seem to submit an edit of my post so:
Edit: Nevermind, I bought a switch... I already started this thread with "I know this isn't good practice",and trying to fix this issue, I realized, even as a temp fix it's not a good idea to do this, so I'm going to set the network up the proper way...