pfBlocker & user agents
I was wondering if it's possible to filter by user agent in pfBlocker (perhaps via regex blocking)?
@underscore Not sure...maybe if you know what address or IP the user agent contacts, then you could approach it that way.
@NollipfSense Thanks for the reply. The thing is the IPs the user-agent contacts change. I'm also aware I could do this with Squid quite easily but I'd rather not proxy all of my traffic. The user-agent string is part of the http headers. I'm assuming pfblocker sees the headers, in which case simple regex with the user-agent name should do the trick, but it doesn't... I'm a bit surprised.
Thanks again.
@underscore pfblocker doesn't look the http header.
Everything happens at the DNS level. -
@mcury Thanks for chiming in. That settles that. :-)