Error when I enable secure shell
I'm running version:
built on Wed Aug 12 09:48:27 EDT 2009
FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p3 i386It is 2 gig nano on alix board.
When I check "enable secure shell" and save I get this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mwxec() in /etc/inc/ on line 1103
Jim -
Fixed, thanks for the report!
Upgraded tonight to:
pfSense-1.2.3-2g-20090818-1844-nanobsd.img.gzNow the error reads:
Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets in /usr/local/www/system_advanced.php on line 184
What are you trying to do when you get that? That's a simple unset that's been the same for years.
Just, once again, trying to enable the secure shell from the gui. I also get the same error when trying to uncheck "use device polling."
I've tried enabling/disabling numerous options on System->Advanced on several different nanobsd versions and none of them generate any errors.
I tried it in IE to see if it was browser specific and it is not. I get this error:
Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets in /usr/local/www/system_advanced.php on line 184
If I try checking secure shell or I try and turn off "use device polling." My alix router is pretty vanilla. I did, however, import a m0n0wall config.
Can you backup your config and email it to me? cmb at pfsense dot org It has to be specific to something in your config.
This turned out to be a bug in the m0n0wall config conversion code. If someone runs into it in the future, backup the config and replace:
save your changes and restore. It'll be fixed in the next few days for future converted configurations.</diag>