Captive Portal Radius Replies issues
Hi all, let me start by saying I have spent hours and hours searching the forums and google for an answer and I have come up with nothing!
I am hoping this is because im doing something stupid…
I have RADIUS auth setup and working with accounting (RADIUS server is external) what I would like to do now is use Packet of Disconnection and various attributes using the WISPr vendor atts.
The problem is the RADIUS server doesnt seem to be getting a reply from the pfsense box/captive portal here are some error msg's;
echo "User-Name='myusername'" | radclient -c '1' -n '3' -r '3' -t '3' -x 'my.ip.add.res:1700' 'disconnect' 'myradsecret' 2>&1Results:
radclient: no response from server for ID 47 socket 10
Sending Disconnect-Request of id 47 to my.ip.add.res port 1700
User-Name = "myusername"
Do I need to setup NAT and Rules to forward the reply packets? if so this is what ive tried already...
If Proto Ext. port range NAT IP Int. port range
NAT: WAN UDP 1700 any) 1700Proto Source Port Destination Port Gateway Queue
Rule: UDP * * 1700 * noneWAN Interface =
LAN Interface = have also setup a firewall rule on my modem/router to forward UDP 1700 to
But no luck :( always get no response.
Can anyone suggest what I could possibly be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.