NO_TRAFFIC:SINGLE and TLS Handshake fail
I cannot connect to my OpenVPN server hosted on my pfSense VM from my ISP modem's network (which lies outside pfSense), and I can't wrap my head around the problem. I can connect to the server just fine from any other network.
Here's a diagram of my network:
When attempting to establish a connection with the server from a client behind the ISP modem, two states show up. For some reason, the source port number gets changed. The first state shows NO_TRAFFIC:SINGLE, and its source port is the port listed on the NAT table of the ISP modem. I also get a TLS Handshake fail when looking at the OpenVPN logs.
Here's a packet sniff on the WAN interface of pfSense:
Finally, I thought I'd mention that I did not create any additional firewall rules. The only rules I have are those created automatically for the OpenVPN server.
Any help is greatly appreciated.