Firewall rule loading errors
IPs changed
There were error(s) loading the rules: no IP address found for 2205:931:ef43:26d2::103991 - Array @ 2022-10-11 21:04:58
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:130: could not parse host specification - The line in question reads [130]: rdr pass on bge1 inet6 proto tcp from any to ::103991 port 80 -> ::1 port 8081
@ 2022-10-11 21:08:53
—-The IPv6 address shown in the first error is associated with my LAN interface. The rule in question in the rules.debug file here:
Reflection redirect
rdr pass on { bge1.8 bge1.80 bge1.64 bge1.5 bge1.7 bge0 tun_wg0 openvpn WireGuard } inet proto tcp from any to port 80 -> port 8081
rdr pass on bge1 inet6 proto tcp from any to 2205:931:ef43:26d2::103991 port 80 -> ::1 port 8081Reflection redirect
rdr pass on { bge1.8 bge1.80 bge1.64 bge1.5 bge1.7 bge0 tun_wg0 openvpn WireGuard } inet6 proto tcp from any to 2205:931:ef43:26d2::103991 port 80 -> ::1 port 8081
rdr pass on bge1 inet proto tcp from any to port 443 -> port 9443Reflection redirect
rdr pass on { bge1.8 bge1.80 bge1.64 bge1.5 bge1.7 bge0 tun_wg0 openvpn WireGuard } inet proto tcp from any to port 443 -> port 9443
rdr pass on bge1 inet6 proto tcp from any to 2601:647:ca03:26d0::103991 port 443 -> ::1 port 9443Reflection redirect
rdr pass on { bge1.8 bge1.80 bge1.64 bge1.5 bge1.7 bge0 tun_wg0 openvpn WireGuard } inet6 proto tcp from any to 2601:647:ca03:26d0::103991 port 443 -> ::1 port 9443
UPnPd rdr anchor
rdr-anchor "miniupnpd"
NAT reflection is disabled.
I don’t know how to make this rule go away. Please help!I’ve used pfSense a lot for over a decade so I basically know what I’m doing but I can’t figure out how to resolve these errors.
I recently added a new interface and the “pass” rules on the new interface aren’t being loaded and all traffic on the new interface is blocked by the default deny rules. I suspect these errors are preventing the rules on the new interface from loading properly. However, the clients behind the new internal interface ARE getting dhcp leases.
Rules on new interface :
pass in log quick on $NODE inet proto { tcp udp } from any to any ridentifier 1665547000 keep state label "USER_RULE: Why not working"
pass in log quick on $NODE inet from to any ridentifier 1665547989 keep state label "USER_RULE" -
I figured out the issue
It’s related to a malformed IPv6 address inserted into a virtual IP record by the DNSBL feature in pfblockerNG -
@gabxmx What did you do to fix it? DNSBL likes to create addresses automatically.