VPN Clients accessing LAN with different gateway
Hello! I'm new user of pfSense.
I installed OpenVPN server
My pfSense is set as gateway (with DHCP).
I aslo have another gateway on the network that is (without DHCP).I connect to the OpenVPN server normally. And i can connect all the LAN clients that use pfSense as gateway. But i can't connect the other gateway and the clients that use it.
What is the solution for this prolem?
@kaloyaniliev Source nat your vpn clients so they look like pfsense ip on the lan..
This is an outbound nat on your lan interface..
@johnpoz Thank you for your kind reply. Unfortinetly i will need more explanation. Is this what i need to do?
@kaloyaniliev Not sure I would use any any, prob use your vpn tunnel network as the source, and destination sure could be your lan net. Or just the specific devices that are not using pfsense as their gateway.
@johnpoz I tried that but no luck :( still can't access the devices with other gateway.... :( any other ideas?
On DD WRT i use "masquerade" command, but here i don't know how to.
@johnpoz I found my very stupid mistake! I did not ebabled the rule that i created! :) So now everything works like charm! Thank you very much, John!