uRPF - Need to Permit Asymmetric Flow via GRE/IPSec
I've seen a number of posts about uRPF, rp_filter, and anti-spoofing protection, but none have any responses that address how to handle observed behavior.
I am working with a pfSense firewall that is being used with GRE and IPsec tunnels to connect to a cloud service provider.
It's up to the customer which they want to use - GRE or IPSec.
The provider uses ICMP probes to perform health checks of the tunnels - the health checks are the same irrespective of whether the tunnel is GRE or IPSec.
The path the health checks take effectively results in a asymmetric route and uRPF/anti-spoofing protection will break the checks.
The path is as follows:
- They send an ICMP reply probe *** from the inside their cloud
- The ICMP reply probe is encapsulated (GRE or IPsec) as it enters the tunnel
- Pfsense receives the probe inside the tunnel which lands on a virtual tunnel interface
- Pfsense de-encapsulates the probe and forwards the packet to the destination IP - the return path egresses the Internet interface and travels across the commodity Internet on its way back to the cloud provider
Since the ICMP probes ingress a Virtual Tunnel Interface and egress through a physical interface, uRPF/rp_filter does not like this and drops the packet before it even starts making its way back to the cloud provider.
Is there any way to disable uRPF/rp_filter and/or configure a security rule that would allow this?
Thank you for your time,