Default deny - strange behavior
I have several VLANs set up with rules that allow outbound any/any to internet.
These VLANs work as expected (I think), but I am noticing that there are logs that show traffic is blocked to some random internet IP (usually something in AWS or google).or
Why is default deny kicking in here? I am explicitly allowing outbound traffic to the internet on these interfaces (per my rules above).
@laplacian see if this is it: usually just disable logging of the default block rules, unless troubleshooting something.
@steveits Okay, that's probably it. And now I'm able to search and see many others have had the same concern. Is there a way to suppress these other than disabling the logging for the default deny?
@laplacian those are all out of state.. yeah if your logging default you will see those.
I also disable default logging and only log syn and common udp ports.