Traffic Totals data and export/import
I use Traffic Totals to compare monitor my internet usage since Comcast has the montnly 1.2T limit. With three video gaming kids I really gotta watch this! I often show them how they just used 25% of the month's data in a single day by doing massive updates or just being download-aholics. Anyway.. all of that said, I like to use the history of Traffic Totals when sending this message to my boys. I have noticed that when exporting and importing the pfSense XML even with the "Backup extra data" option selected, that Traffic Totals data is not restored on import. Is there a way to make this work?
@scottlindner Bit late of a reply, but this data is stored using vnstat. The data is stored in /var/db/vnstat/vnstat.db You can copy it over using WinSCP then restore it. Assuming the interface names are the same it'll match up.