Captive portal displays blank page
I am having an issue with the captive portal for clients that are not on the same subnet as the LAN interface. When these clients access the internet, they are shown a blank page. Also, http://<pfsense sever="" ip="" address="">:8000 shows a blank page as well. I tested from a client on the same subnet as the LAN interface and the captive portal worked just fine.
When I disable the captive portal, these clients are able to get to the internet. I have ruled out a routing issue and DNS resolves correctly. Help please. Thanks.</pfsense>
I figured it out. The captive portal works as advertised with the "disable MAC filtering" checked in the Captive Portal menu.
Yes, if your clients are behind another routing device then captive portal basically will bail without notifying you since it cannot figure out the MAC address correctly.
It really should be a little better at reporting this error. I'll see if I can spruce it up and submit a patch to Jonathon.