VPN traffic not using VPN DNS only main DNS
I have set two VPN client with expressVPN both are up and working (reaching the vpn IP) however instead of using vpn's dns is using my local configured DNS
I would like for each vpn client to go to their respective dns assign by VPN
here are my settings
setting in VPN client
How can i set for devices routed to vpn to use their DNS and device not on vpn to use my local DNS?
@rm17 Best is to use DHCP for that. Give those clients or what ever you want as their DNS servers and there will be no more DNS leaks. You loose the ability to use DNS-overrides and pfBlocker's sinkhole on those clients but this is the way (in pfSense). There is no logic in place that would allow to policy route DNS too.
@bob-dig My issue is i want to use the DNS of the VPN in this case expressvpn which is assign automatically from dchp on their end once connection is established. Putting wont solve anything. Essentially i want when a client that is routed through vpn asks for a dns the resolver fowards that request to the VPN gateway for that specific client
@rm17 "We" all want this but it is not gonna happen. Again, there is no policy routing for the resolver in pfSense.