Open Vpn IPv6 issues
Hi everyone
I am new new pfsense, so maybe doing something wrong,
I have configured a open vpn server in pfsensemode is "tun"
protocol udp ipv4/ipv6 on all interfaces multihometunnel network is set with ipv4/ipv6 default private ips
I am forcing all client-generated IPv4 / IPv6 traffic through the tunnel.
Gateway creation - both
rules are automatically created and the client gets both private ips (4 and 6) (tested from the mobile network that only support ipv4 )
however when checked on the internet from the client side I could only see Ipv4 public ip address
when the gateways are created - ipv6 open vpn interface is showing down
my wan gateways are up for
public ip4
public ipv6
openvpn ipv4please advise what can be a problem?
thanks a lot
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