unbound and haproxy services crash post upgrade to 23.01 Jan 6 build
Initially, I had the Netgate ID issue, but thanks to their help, that issue is resolved.
The remaining issue are that these two services crash. I see Alerts in the GUI, and the service is stopped.
Often I need to reboot, not just restart the service.
This error repeats MANY times.
PHP ERROR: Type: 1, File: /etc/inc/util.inc, Line: 2125, Message: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string / int in /etc/inc/util.inc:2125
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/haproxy.widget.php(218): format_bytes('<NEVER>')
#1 {main}
thrown @ 2023-01-18 16:14:12I tried resetting to factory default and then restore config from backup to see if that would be helpful, but it was not.
I removed and re-added the widget .. that seems to have fixed that error.
There was a ZFS error on boot that seemed related to /tmp /var (appologies for failing to document this better) so I removed the RAM disk option for /tmp and /var (I had them at 400 for ram 600 for /var in my 32GB system)I reinstalled the haproxy package
It has been about 18 hours and so far so good. mgmnt portal is solid, no more alerts, both services still running.
Indeed. the re-install combined with the removal of the ram-disk, and removal and re-add of the haproxy widget seem to have everything stable. this issue is closed.