HAProxy Acme
trying to figure out how to ask the right question... I am trying to get ssl on vaultwarden installed on docker for use on my private lan only. after looking at the tutorials on the vaultwarden wiki, I can't follow it... way over my pay grade unfortunately. I thought I can get wildcard letsencrypt ssl for this and even other servers on my local lan if I can figure this out, but the tutorials I have found set up acme and haproxy always seem to be already using local domains for dns, so they are starting with pfsense running on something like pfsense.mylan.local or something like that, so is getting dns setup like this a prerequisite for setting up haproxy and acme? seems like it would be a good thing to do regardless, but I can't seem to find any straight forward tutorials on how to do that either. one of my mental blocks from attempting to setup local dns names for my servers is that home assistant seems to force me to use .local as the built in domain name and lots of the mdns functionality there is struggling with my current setup. but pfsense doesn't really allow .local as the pfsense domain.
also, in dns resolver, I have not enabled Register DHCP leases in the DNS Resolver or Register DHCP static mappings in the DNS Resolver yet or set any host or domain overrides either.
sorry if this question is actually 20 questions, lol.