Reloading SquidGuard increases number of processes with no limit ?
Hi All,
I've noticed a problem today which I have not seen before or at least not noticed before.
I was checking one of our PFSense boxes and noticed that top was reporting 605 running processes... (normally around 120) and most of those are squidGuard rewrite children...
ps -auxwf | grep squidGuard | wc -l 473
In my squidGuard config I have Rewrite process children (maximum) set to 64, Startup 16, minimum 8.
If I click the squidguard apply button in the UI it starts another 16 rewrite children but does not terminate the previous ones...
Every time I make a configuration change and click apply (or just click apply) I end up with another 16 squidguard children running, so the script that should be restarting squidguard does not seem to terminate previously running copies ?
Anyone else notice this ? If I restart the Squid service the excess squidguard children are all killed off.
It occurs to me that because I have a cron job updating my blacklists twice a week, each time this happens another 16 processes will be started...