Manual upgrade broken in 8/6 nanobsd snapshot
Same error when I attempted to use this image:
It worked with console update.
This is just a guess, but I noticed that the gigabytes letter changed from "g" to "G" in both the full nanobsd images and the update file names. Is it possible that what's broken the GUI update?
The update platform detection was changed, and it was changed in a way that the nanobsd images didn't support, so that had to be worked around.
This should be OK as of last night, if you check the commit log.
It may require a reflash to get around unless the console update really did take.
The console update really did take. See the image.
So it sounds like I'll need to do another console update from last night's commit for GUI upgrades to work again?
The console update really did take. See the image.
So it sounds like I'll need to do another console update from last night's commit for GUI upgrades to work again?
They should work if you're running an image from after that point.
It may be a good idea to reflash anyhow since the image sizes were all adjusted a bit. They're a tad lower than they were before, so they should still work, but it wouldn't hurt to play it safe in that regard.
Could you take a look at the first post in the thread. I'm pretty sure the image I flashed from was "post-shrink". Can you confirm?
I just tried GUI upgrading with
Same issue. I'll reflash with latest snap and try the next update.
Thanks again!
Web manual upgrade still broken
I'm running this
I tried upgrading with this
The exact same error as the first post in this thread.
Still broken
Tried to upgrade with
Same as before.
Another fix was checked in last night, but to get it, you'll need to reflash to the current version, or look at the commit log and replicate the fixes locally.
This is not something that will just start working when your current system has the broken upgrade code.
I'll try a reflash this weekend, wait for the next update snap, and report what I find.
Keep us posted, thanks for helping to test. :)
Do you have the URL for the latest commit that supposedly fixes this? I'm looking at the latest ones and nothing is jumping out at me.
EDIT: Never mind, I found it:
I tried to do a web upgrade on nanobsd 1.2.3-RC3 built on Fri Sep 11 03:48:31 UTC 2009
A new version is now available
New version: Sat Sep 12 04:47:40 UTC 2009
Current version: 1.2.3-RC3
Update source: get the following error:
php: : New alert found: Something went wrong when trying to update the fstab entry. Aborting upgrade.
Thanks for the great work. Jakob
Except for the Digital Signature error, this is now working for me. I believe the previous poster tried System: Firmware: Auto Upgrade which is still broken as far as I know.
Thanks for fixing the updater! :)
Yes, you are right. I tried System-Firmware-AutoUgrade.
Jakob -
Manual upgrade should work. Be advised that the part of the upgrade that flashes the other slice can take a LONG time (6+ minutes for a 4GB card), so don't panic if you don't see any activity for a while. If you have a serial connection available, you can:
tail -f /cf/conf/upgrade_log.txt
…before you upload the new firmware to the router and watch the whole process, including the reboot of the newly flashed slice.
I haven't heard anything from the developers about plans to fix auto update on nanobsd. I'm just grateful there's at least some way to upgrade my ALIX that doesn't require a screwdriver. ;D
Hi, probably a silly question, but it is the first time I partizipate in the pfsense "beta".
Q: After doing a manual update the System/Package Manger/Installed Packages: blinkled was gone. I had to reinstall it again. Is this normal?Best regards jakob
Hi, probably a silly question, but it is the first time I partizipate in the pfsense "beta".
Q: After doing a manual update the System/Package Manger/Installed Packages: blinkled was gone. I had to reinstall it again. Is this normal?Best regards jakob
I don't see a package called "blinkled". ???
EDIT: I see it. Yes, packages have to be reinstalled after an update.
Hi, probably a silly question, but it is the first time I partizipate in the pfsense "beta".
Q: After doing a manual update the System/Package Manger/Installed Packages: blinkled was gone. I had to reinstall it again. Is this normal?Best regards jakob
This is normal on NanoBSD. The upgrade gets written to a second slice (sort of like another partition on windows) that is normally dormant.
Because this second slice has not been touched, the package is not installed on there, and must be reinstalled after switching slices.It works this way in case the upgrade fails, so you can always go back and boot the other slice and return to a working system instead of being stuck with a brick and having to reflash the CF :)
I get the following error:
- Update Error: 219 < Size of new image: 450 -
System: Alix 1 GB CF card running with a 512 MB nanobsd fullflash as the 1 GB image was a bit to large
Current Version: 1.2.3-RC3 - built on Sat Sep 12 20:52:05 UTC 2009
I get an update error when updating via ssh with the following image
php: : New alert found: Upgrade failed due to the upgrade image being larger than the partition that is configured on disk. Halting. Size on disk: 219 < Size of new image: 450Are the new updates to large or is there an error in calculating the size?
Best Regards,