Squid ClamAV showing bytecode errors for version 334
Hello Fellow Netgate Community, I have noticed an issue with database version 334, has anyone else seen this download error for Squid Proxy ClamAV?
(Image: Shows error generated by ClamAV database version 334)Error: The database server doesn't have the latest patch for the bytecode database (version 334). The server will likely have updated if you check again in a few hours.
ERROR: downloadPatch: Can't apply patch
WARNING: [LibClamAV] No DB open for action UNLINK on line 6 -
As of 2-24-23 this has been resolved with . . .
"Empty script bytecode-334.cdiff, need to download entire database"
Clamd successfully notified about the update.
bytecode.cvd updated (version: 334, sigs: 91, f-level: 90, builder: anvilleg)
Database test passed.
Testing database: '/var/db/clamav//tmp.a3a9145360/clamav-e149ec24c4c3dccbcffc8540df3d4b2a.tmp-bytecode.cvd' ...
Empty script bytecode-334.cdiff, need to download entire database
bytecode database available for update (local version: 333, remote version: 334)
main.cvd database is up-to-date (version: 62, sigs: 6647427, f-level: 90, builder: sigmgr)
daily.cld database is up-to-date (version: 26821, sigs: 2021707, f-level: 90, builder: raynman)
ClamAV update process started at Thu Feb 23 16:57:00 2023