OpenVPN can't access lan on debian but can access lan on android and windows.
OpenVPN can't access lan on debian but can access lan on android and windows. Also I have access to other openvpns with pfsense where I can access with debain.
The one I am having a issue with is a new pfsense setup. It connects fine on everything except for linux/debain.
Any thoughts anyone? thank you and please.
I think it has something do with routes, maybe from what I am reading. I have 3 openvpns the same linux/debain computer that all work fine with all the same settings.
The only thing different is with this new vpn it is and same with the home network being, however it works fine on windows and android.
Thats exactly what it was. The routes. IPv4 Settings >> Routes >> ADD - (address of item) , netmask, gateway, metric XX then select "Use this connection only for resources in network" and it works fine. I'm posting this for others. Hopefully it will help.
Can mark this post solved.