pfSense IPv4+IPv6 & OpenVPN
for years I worked with a server openvpn + ipv4 it worked great, today I decided to add ipv6 to the tunnel (but when I go to test-ipv6 .com) to test it says ipv6 not detected does anyone know why?
@silence said in pfSense IPv4+IPv6 & OpenVPN:
(but when I go to test-ipv6 .com) to test it says ipv6 not detected does anyone know why?
Obviously your browser cannot do any IPv6 request.
Maybe the computer has no IPv6 or you have no IPv6 WAN address or you have disabled IPv6 on pfSense or there is no rule on LAN which allows it.
But whatever the reason is, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the OpenVPN server. -
My wan interfaces For ipv4 and ipv6 is a private ip!Any suggestions? How to make ipv6 work in pfsense?
So pfSense here is your OpenVPN server? And you are able to connect to it from a Windows client but it only gets an IPv4 IP address? Or gets an IPv6 address but cannot connect out?
It looks like pfSense itself is getting an IPv6 address via DHCPv6 but cannot ping out.
You have set the source address as WAN link-local which is usually not routable. Does the ping work if you set the source to WAN or automatic? -
@stephenw10 I say my openvpn worked fine, until i tried to add ipv6 since my isp gives me ipv6 I wanted to integrate ipv6 to my openvpn! since then it doesn't work.
@silence said in pfSense IPv4+IPv6 & OpenVPN:
@stephenw10 I say my openvpn worked fine, until i tried to add ipv6 since my isp gives me ipv6 I wanted to integrate ipv6 to my openvpn! since then it doesn't work.
Ok so forget OpenVPN until you get IPv6 working from pfSense itself.
Above you showed the interfaces widget with the valid public IPv6 address. Are you still seeing that?
Do you have a default route for IPv6?
A link-local gateway like the can be valid if the ISP is passing you a prefix and routing it to you. -
Ok so you see an IPv6 public IP when you connect to OpenVPN.
What exactly is not working here?
@stephenw10 Now everything is fine, I didn't make any changes and it started working (I would like to know what would be the correct setting(?? as this just started working but I have no idea how I did it.
If you changed nothing then perhaps the ISP changed something to allow IPv6 to work.
The 'correct' settings here are very much dependent on what your ISP provides.